Zhongguo cuzhong zazhi (Aug 2022)

小脑卒中后非运动功能障碍的研究进展 Progress of Non-motor Dysfunction after Cerebellar Stroke

  • 穆浩月,姜睿璇,王琰,鞠奕,赵性泉

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 8
pp. 905 – 910


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目前对小脑非运动功能的新认识是基于神经解剖学、神经影像学和临床研究的综合证据,临床上对其认识不足,因此小脑卒中患者的非运动功能损害症状常常被忽视。目前研究认为小脑的非运动功能主要包括认知、语言及情绪、情感等方面。本文主要从解剖、小脑非运动功能的神经调控模式和临床表现等方面对小脑卒中后非运动功能障碍的研究进展进行阐述。 Abstract: At present, the new understanding of non-motor function of cerebellum is based on the comprehensive evidence of neuroanatomy, neuroimaging and clinical research. In clinical practice, the understanding of this aspect for doctors is insufficient, so they often ignore the symptoms of non-motor function impairment of patients with cerebellar stroke. This article mainly discussed the research progress of non-motor dysfunction after cerebellar stroke from the aspects of anatomy, mechanism, and clinical manifestations including cognition, language, emotion and other non-motor function.
