The Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Oct 2023)
Case series of intraorbital colobomatous cysts with anophthalmos/microphthalmos spectrum: a rare diagnostic conundrum simplified
Abstract Background Anophthalmos/microphthalmos spectrum is a rare congenital eye disorder and concurrence of a cystic intraorbital lesion is even rarer. Every so often it presents as a diagnostic enigma for the clinician as well as radiologist. The occurrence of anomaly is linked with early intraembryonic insult and is closely linked with neuroectodermal development of the eyeball. There is a wide range of differential diagnoses for the intraaorbital cysts associated with microphthalmos cases ranging from colobomas to teratomas. The radiological findings in the coloboma gamut are poorly understood with a paucity of the literature regarding the same. Early and correct diagnosis is imperative for the proper management of the patient. Case presentation We present the radiological findings in three patients presenting at different ages with a basic approach pattern. Conclusions Knowledge of the radiological findings in cases of intraorbital colobomatous cysts and associations along with their embryological basis would help in making the correct diagnosis ensuing timely and accurate patient management.