Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte Sociale (Jan 2017)
Obiectul investigaţiei de faţă îl constituie elementele constitutive şi circumstanţele agravante ale infracţiunilor specificate la art.3321 şi 3322 CP RM. În rezultatul analizei efectuate se ajunge la concluzia că obiectul juridic special al infracţiunilor prevăzute la art.3321 CP RM are un caracter complex. Se arată că mijloacele din fondurile externe, obţinute fraudulos, nu au calitatea de obiect material, ci calitatea de bunuri dobândite prin săvârşirea infracţiunilor specificate la art.3321 CP RM. Se stabileşte structura şi conţinutul laturii obiective a infracţiunilor prevăzute la art.3321 CP RM. Se relevă că scopul acestor infracţiuni cunoaşte următorele forme alternative: 1) scopul primirii aprobărilor sau garanţiilor necesare acordării finanţărilor obţinute sau garantate din fonduri externe (în prezenţa modalităţii normative de folosire ori prezentare de documente, înscrisuri sau date vădit false, inexacte ori incomplete); 2) scopul obţinerii de mijloace din fondurile externe (în prezenţa modalităţii normative de omisiune de a furniza datele cerute potrivit legii). Se argumentează că subiectul infracţiunilor specificate la art.3321 CP RM trebuie să aibă calitatea specială de beneficiar final (secundar) al mijloacelor din fondurile externe. De asemenea, se ajunge la concluzia că obiectul juridic special al infracţiunilor prevăzute la art.3322 CP RM are un caracter multiplu. Sunt analizate condiţiile pe care trebuie să le îndeplinească obiectul material al infracţiunilor specificate la art.3322 CP RM. Sunt stabilite structura şi conţinutul laturii obiective a infracţiunilor prevăzute la art.3322 CP RM. Se demonstrează că scopul acestor infracţiuni este scopul de însuşire (sustragere). Nu în ultimul rând, se argumentează că subiectul infracţiunilor specificate la art.3322 CP RM trebuie să aibă calitatea specială de administrator al mijloacelor din fondurile externe.OBTAINING FUNDS FROM EXTERNAL LOANS THROUGH FRAUDULENT MEANS AND THE SCRUTINY OF THE ACT OF EMBEZZLEMENT OF THE FUNDS IN QUESTION BY THE PENAL LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVAThe subject of the present investigation is the constituent elements and the aggravating circumstances of the offences specified in art.3321 and art.3322 PC RM. As a result of the performed analysis, we have concluded that the special legal object of the offences referred to at art.3321 PC RM is of complex character. It is established that it’s not the quality of material object, but it’s actually the quality of goods acquired through actions set forth in art.3321 PC RM the one that have obtained the funds from external loans through fraudulent means. It is then underlined the structure and content of the objective side of the offences referred to at art.3321 PC RM. It is also revealed that the purpose of these offences possesses the following alternative forms: 1) the purpose of receiving the approvals or the necessary guarantees for the funding, funds obtained or guaranteed from external loans (in the presence of the normative proceeding with regard to the use or the issuance of false, inaccurate or incomplete documents, certified copies or any relevant data); 2) the purpose to obtain funds from external loans (in the presence of the normative proceeding with regard to the failure to provide the necessary data required by law). At this point, it is argued that the subject of the offences under art.3321 PC RM must have the special quality of final (secondary) beneficiary of the funds obtained from external loans. It is also concluded that the special legal object of the offences specified in art.3322 PC RM is of multiple character. At this level, there are analyzed the conditions that must be met by the material object of the offences set forth in art.3322 PC RM. It is then established the structure and content of the objective side of the offences referred to at art.3322 PC RM. It is emphasized that the purpose of these offences is the purpose of misappropriation (theft). Finally, but not least important, it is argued that the subject of the offences under art.3322 PC RM must have the special quality of manager of the funds obtained from external loans.