Рослинництво та ґрунтознавство (Feb 2022)
The influence of biological preparations on the microbiological activity of sod-podzolic soil for the cultivation of food potatoes
In the present-day world, the demand for organic products is growing, but there is an insufficient number of studies on the impact of biological preparations on soil fertility parameters. Indicators of microbiological activity are not the same for different soil types, which is why it is necessary to investigate them in detail in specific soil and climatic conditions, especially on zonal soils, which are sod-podzolic soils in Polissia. Research on the impact of various biological preparations on soil fertility indicators for the cultivation of one of the most popular crops in Ukraine – food potatoes – is relevant. The purpose of this study was to establish the effect of treatment of potato tuber seeds with biological preparations and introduction of a biodestructor for better decomposition of siderate on the focus of microbiological processes in the soil. The study was carried out in an experiment at the Volyn State Agricultural Research Station of the Institute of Potato Growing of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. The soil of the experimental site was sod-medium-podzolic sandy soil on water-glacial deposits. The stationary experiment included variants with the addition of siderate to the soil without a destructor (Background 1) and with the addition of the Ecostern destructor to the siderate (Background 2). The effectiveness of the following biological preparations was also investigated: Mycohelp, Agat, Regoplant, Fitohelp, Stimpo. Soil analysis for microbiological indicators was carried out in samples taken from the 0-20 cm layer. The focus of microbiological processes in the soil was found by the corresponding coefficients. It was found that the oligotrophicity coefficient was less than one on the variants using the Ecostern biodestructor during the growing season of potatoes, which indicates a good supply of easily digestible organic substances to the soil microbiota, while on the variants without Ecostern during the ripening phase, the oligotrophicity coefficients exceeded one. The coefficient of pedotrophicity changed more during the growing season than according to the variants of the experiment. In the seedling and flowering phase of potatoes, mineralisationimmobilisation coefficients were low in all variants of the experiment, which indicates the predominance of synthesis of organic matter. The materials of this paper are of practical value for farmers and producers of organic crop production in the issue of plant residue management for the use of biodestructors in the technology of growing food potatoes