Universidad Médica Pinareña (May 2022)
Bibliometric analysis of the scientific production on immunohematology published in Cuban student scientific journals, 2014-2020
Introduction: student scientific journals reflect undergraduate scientific work. The analysis of the published scientific production allows to recognize the strengths and weaknesses. Objective: to describe the scientific production on immunohematology published in Cuban student scientific journals between January 2014 and December 2020. Method: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out through a bibliometric analysis of the articles published in Cuban RCE, related to immunohematology, in the period between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2020. A universe of 24 articles was studied. Descriptive statistics, Price index and number of corrected citations were used. Results: 3,05 % of the articles published were related to im; munohematology. Revista 16 de Abril was the most productive (50 %). The Artemisa province contributed the largest number (29,16 %). Articles with 3, 4 and 5 authors predominated (25 % for each one). No interprovincial collaboration was observed and all were published in the Spanish language. 91,66 % corresponded to clinical sciences. Original articles predominated (41,66 %). The highest Price Index was found in case/clinical case presentations (0,6). Only 12,5 % of the articles received citations. Conclusions: the scientific production on immunohematology in Cuban student scientific journals is scarce. Strategies are required to reinforce the visibility and impact of research, as well as the strengthening of interprovincial collaborations and the availability of studies in other languages.