Selekcija i Semenarstvo (Jan 2009)
Atlas: A new variety of fodder barley of pallidum spike type
This paper presents features of a new variety of winter six-rowed barley Atlas created at Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad, which was released in Serbia in 2005 and in Bosnia and Hercegovina in 2009. It belongs to a group of early varieties. In Serbian Varietal Release Committee trials the yield of variety Atlas was 347 kg/ha higher than the standard, while heading was three days earlier. This variety has moderately large grains and 1000-kernel weight of 35-37 grams, test weight of 72-75 kg/hl and a high protein content of over 14% cm. Variety Atlas would be sown at the beginning of October with a planting rate of approximately 350 viable seeds per square meter. It is recommended to be grown on moderately fertile soil, since its performance is weaker on soils of lower quality. .