Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine (Dec 2015)

Effects of subanesthetic doses of ketamine in cats with induced experimental endotoxemia

  • Felipe Hertzing Farias,
  • Martielo Ivan Gehrcke,
  • Vanessa Sasso Padilha,
  • Julieta Volpato,
  • Ronise Tochetto,
  • Felipe Comassetto,
  • Nilson Oleskovicz

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 37, no. 4
pp. 297 – 302


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ABSTRACT. Farias F.H., Gehrcke M.I., Padilha V.S., Volpato J., Tochetto R., Comassetto F. & Oleskovicz N. [Effects of subanesthetic doses of ketamine in cats with induced experimental endotoxemia.] Efeitos da cetamina em doses subanestésicas em gatos submetidos à endotoxemia experimental. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 37(4):297-302, 2015. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Animal, Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Avenida Luís de Camões, 2090, Bairro Conta Dinheiro, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The clinical endotoxemia is difficult to diagnosis and treatment because of the involvement of multiple organs. This study aimed to evaluate the clinical effects of subanesthetic doses of ketamine, before or after the induction of endotoxemia in cats. Were used nine healthy cats, with 4.3±0.59 kg, autocontroles, placed into three groups: lipopolysaccharide (LPS, n=9) received a bolus of NaCl 0,9 % followed by a continuous infusion (CI) of LPS for two hours and; bolus of NaCl 0,9 % followed by CI of LPS for two hours; ketamine/LPS (C/ LPS, n=9) received a bolus of ketamine followed by ketamine CI and LPS for two hours and, after, bolus of saline followed by CI of LPS for another two hours; LPS/ketamine (LPS/C, n=9) received bolus of saline followed by a CI LPS for two hours and then after bolus of ketamine followed by the same CI associated with LPS for two hours. The heart rate was higher for 5 to 120 minutes after initiation of the CI LPS in C/LPS and less than 150 to 240 minutes and from 600 to 720 minutes in LPS compared to the other groups. Five minutes after CI LPS initiation in C/LPS, 60 minutes in LPS/C and 90 minutes to 720 minutes in LPS, FC was higher than at baseline. The PAS was lower in all groups from 360 to 720 minutes compared to baseline. All treatments showed increased TR from 60 to 600 minutes compared to baseline. The levels of glucose and lactate increase from 120 to 360 minutes compared to baseline in all groups. The leukocyte decreased from 60 to 360 minutes in all treatments compared to baseline. It is concluded that ketamine at subanesthetic doses, before or after induction of endotoxemia in cats has minimal cardiovascular effects, but does not inhibit or reverse hyperthermia and leukopenia produced by endotoxemia in cats.