Cybergeo (Jan 2016)

Suivi de l’artificialisation du territoire en milieu urbain par télédétection et à l’aide de métriques paysagères. Application à une agglomération de taille moyenne, Rennes Métropole

  • Rahim Aguejdad,
  • Laurence Hubert-Moy



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The objective of this research is to explore the combined application of remote sensing and landscape metrics in order to analyze and monitor urban growth in Rennes Metropolitan Area (France). The investigation is based on a 21-year time series data set compiled from Landsat imagery between 1984 and 2005. First, land use and land cover changes were analyzed based on the classification of satellite images using an object-oriented approach. Second, spatial metrics were used to analyze the main spatial and temporal dynamics of urban growth, and to assess its impact on landscape. The results reveal a significant increase in developed areas, which are unevenly distributed over space and time. Such increase with an average annual rate of 190 ha/an is mainly due to the conversion of agricultural lands into urbanized areas, while green and wooded areas continue to increase within new developed areas. The analysis of spatial metrics illustrates how urban expansion in Rennes Metropolitan area has changed from an outlying fragmentation of landscape to an edge-expansion growth.
