Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian (Apr 2017)


  • Anastasia Intan Kurniasari,
  • Erni Sofia Murtini

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 1
pp. 21 – 32


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ABSTRAK Citrus infused honey tea di Indonesia merupakan produk inovasi dari pengolahan madu yang diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat yang lebih besar dibandingkan produk turunan madu lainnya. Rosela ditambahkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas kenampakan dan memberikan warna merah alami pada produk. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh serta kombinasi konsentrasi rosela dan lama infusing pada kualitas citrus infused honey tea serta mengetahui karakteristik fisikokimia perlakuan terbaik citrus infused honey tea. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktorial dengan 2 faktor, yaitu konsentrasi rosela (10%, 15%, dan 20%), serta lama infusing (1 hari dan 7 hari). Perlakuan terbaik ditentukan dengan metode Zeleny. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi rosela, lama infusing, dan interaksinya berpengaruh nyata terhadap parameter organoleptik. Perlakuan terbaik diperoleh pada konsentrasi rosela 15% dan lama infusing 7 hari. Karakteristik perlakuan terbaik pekatan citrus infused honey tea meliputi warna (L* 28.3; a +17.6; b +3.9), TPT 66.27%, viskositas 11.210 cps, kadar air 30.37%, vitamin C 35.66 mg/100 g, total gula 58.30%, aktivitas antioksidan 965.3 ppm, dan pH 2.7. Seduhannya memiliki karakteristik warna (L* 38.9; a +12.9; b +5.6), TPT 14.27%, vitamin C 14.08 mg/100 g, total gula 17.06%, aktivitas antioksidan 3370 ppm, dan pH 2.9 ABSTRACT Citrus infused honey tea in Indonesia is a product of honey processing innovation which is expected to provide greater benefits than existing others derivatived honey products. Roselle added to improve appearance and give the red color products. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect and the combination of concentration of rosela and the period of infusing in producing citrus infused honey tea and to know the physicochemical characteristics of the best treatment of citrus infused honey tea. This study was using Complete Random Design method (RAL) factorial with two factors, namely concentration of roselle (10%, 15%, and 20%), and period of infusing (1 day and 7 days). The best treatment is determined with Zeleny method. The result showed that concentration of roselle, period of infusing, and its interaction influences significantly the organoleptic parametrics. The best treatment was obtained by roselle concentration of 15% and the period of infusing for 7 days. Characteristics of the best treatment of citrus infused honey tea consists of color (L* 28.3; a +17.6; b +3.9), TDS 66.27%, viscosity 11.210 cps, water content 30.37%, vitamin C 35.66 mg/100 g, total sugar 58.30%, antioxidant activity 965.3 ppm, and pH 2.7. The infusion has characteristics of colors (L* 38.9; a +12.9; b +5.6), TDS 14.27%, vitamin C 14.08 mg/100 g, total sugar 17.06%, antioxidant activity 3370 ppm, and pH 2.9
