Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage (Sep 2015)
Mapping the Conservations Status of Easel Painting. Craquelure Structure Visualization by Binary Image Segmentation Approach
In easel painting (icons) mapping the status of conservation (MCS) is a complex process of prospecting in various spectral, graphic, and spatial techniques, integral analysis and “technical” visualizations of the data whose function is to lay out detected damages or symptoms, not directly perceivable from the VIS, UV, IR or X-r imaging. In this work, the results of a multimethodological survey applied to the end of detecting sharp discontinuities (boundary of cavities, wrinkles and fractures in the host medium) are illustrated. As, due to the microscopic size and depth of a crackle/wrinkle fragment or net, it may be rather difficult to single out its position and extent because of the generally low signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio, binary image segmentation and highresolution data acquisition has been adopted for improving the visibility of the studied area.