Ветеринария сегодня (Sep 2023)
Detection of antibodies to non-structural proteins of foot-and-mouth disease virus (review)
Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) isa highlycontagiousviraldiseaseof cloven-hoovedanimals that can causeepidemicsandgreateconomic losses. Thedisease remains a huge problem in developing countries and poses a constant threat to developed countries. Detection of antibodies to FMD virus non-structural proteins in thebloodof susceptibleanimals isan important tool for thediseasecontrol. This is theonly way for reliabledifferentiation of vaccinatedanimals fromconvalescentandvirus-carrieranimals. Variousmodificationsof solid-phaseenzymeimmunosorbentassay (ELISA) havebeen developedfordetection of antibodies toFMD virus nonstructuralproteins. RecombinantFMD virus non-structuralproteins, mostly 3АВС or 3АВ, areusedasan antigen for such assay. In ashort time, recombinant FMD virusantigen-basedELISA hasevolvedfrom an in-houselaboratory methodtocommonlyavailablecommercial test systems, mostof which have high diagnostic specificityandsensitivity. Thesaid methodis widelyusedforFMD surveillance. In thecountriesandzones freefrom FMD withoutvaccination theELISA fordetection ofantibodiesagainstFMD virus non-structuralproteinsisusedasaprimarymethodforFMD serologicalmonitoring andretrospectivediagnosis. In thecountriesandzones freefromFMD with vaccination thisELISA isusedforconfirmation of thevirus infection absencein vaccinated herds. In South America, ELISA fordetection ofantibodiesagainstFMD virus non-structuralproteins wasusedfordetection of infectedanimalsduring thediseaseeradication. Currently, it isusedfor monitoringfor thevirus circulation in stillFMD infected Asian and African countries implementingprogressive FMD controlprogramme. In Russia havingzones where anti-FMD vaccination is carriedout this methodis a mandatory tool of thedisease surveillance. The review isbasedon theanalysisof 65 publications.