African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure (Jan 2015)
A strategic analysis of Greek tourism: competitive position, issues and lessons
All Mediterranean countries adopted and implemented more or less the same model of tourism development based on 4Ss (Sun, Sea,Sand and Sex). The purpose of this paper is to analyse the experience of developing leisure tourism in Greece in order to draw some useful lessons for other tourism destinations. To address the study’s aim this paper adopts the approach of strategic analysis. This approach illustrates the importance of tourism as an economic activity and analyses the current situation and structural problems of Greece as a destination. Although Greece has a wonderful range of natural, cultural and heritage resources, the lack of differentiation of the tourism offering as well as competitive disadvantages in the fields of governance, planning and marketing caused an overdependence on tour operatorsfor the promotion and distribution of its tourism products. The same factors compromised the quality of tourism services having involved a vicious circle. This situation has a negative impact on the sustainability and competitiveness of the destination and tourism industry. Therefore, the paper assesses the Greek experience with the aim to identify the crucial issues and challenges. This evaluation permits to take some lessons from the Greek experience, beneficial to other destinations willing to develop tourism, and to formulate some recommendations.