Majallah-i ̒Ilmī-i Shīlāt-i Īrān (Jan 2014)
Study on banana prawn (Fenneropenaeus merguiensis) movement in the Hormozgan waters in the northern Persian Gulf
This research was carried out in Strait of Hormuz in 2020. The present study aimed to investigate the migration and growth pattern of tagged shrimps in the study area. Bloodstock shrimps were reared in June (2010). About 50000 juvenile shrimps were tagged by red color florescent elastomeric tag and released in the estuaries of Tiab, Kolahi and Koolgan at night in July 2010. Local people were informed through posters describing the tagging program, as well as articles published in a local magazine. A tagging program film was broadcasted on local television three times prior to the shrimp fishing season and during shrimp catch period. In the catch season, September and November months, 11 tagged prawns (0.022%) were recaptured. Movement direction of tagged prawns was northwesterly of deeper waters of releasing areas. Speed was recorded at 0.33-0.33 km/day and tagged prawns were recaptured 46 km from the released locations. The mean (±SD) weight of released banana prawns and the average weight of the recaptured prawns were1.2±0.2 g and 22.06±4.9 g, respectively. The growth rate of recaptured prawns was 16-26 g and growth speed was 0.88-1.41 g per week. In the study area, the major sea current was from the Oman Sea to the Persian Gulf through Strait of Hormuz probably influencing the pattern of banana prawn movement in Hormozgan