Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management (May 2024)

Growing Employment And Managers In Australian Health Services: 2006-2021

  • Jo M Martins,
  • Godfrey Isouard



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Introduction: This research is a continuation of the authors past contributions on this important subject, that has included the first comprehensive analysis of the composition and characteristics of health service managers in Australia, in terms of their service, qualifications and other important attributes. Objectives: This article contains an analysis of the number and characteristics of health service managers in relation to health services provided in Australia in 2006 compared with that of 2021. Design: Design of the analyses follows specifications set by the authors for tabulations prepared by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) from the censuses of population conducted by ABS in 2006 and 2021. The analysis of health service managers in terms of growth in numbers and change in their characteristics will be reviewed. Findings: A substantial increase was found in the number of health service managers in relation to the population and people employed. Also, there have been considerable changes in the characteristics and qualifications of health service managers during the 15-year period. The study also reported on the nature of the changes in hospitals and medical and other health services, and the surge in the number of managers in medical and other services, that in 2021 outnumbered those in hospitals. Implications: The findings are relevant to policy development aimed at improving the health status of the population. There were implications as well to the planning of health services, training of their labour force and related educational resources. An agenda is also put forward for additional research in view of its findings.
