Majalah Kardiologi Indonesia (Aug 2018)
Calcium Serum Levels and Blood Pressure Response in trained subjects who consumed goat milk
Background: Calcium plays a role in regulating blood pressure and one exogenous sources of calcium are goat milk. Indonesian society is generally believed that goat milk can lower blood pressure and useful as antihypertensive, but so far have not found scientific evidence of how the mechanism of goat milk for controlling blood pressure. This study aimed to analyze the effect of the consumption of goat milk for lowering blood pressure and its relation to calcium serum levels in people trained. Method: Subjects, 19 gymnasts (the treatment group) and 10 runners (the control group), male and female, aged 17-28 years. Treatment: goat’s milk 250 mg / day, administered after dinner (at 19:00 to 20:00 pm), for 90 days. Design research is quasy experimental pretest-posttest design. Analysis of data using normality test Kolmogorof Smirnof-Z (p>0.05), Levene homogeneity test (p>0.05), t test (p 0.05) did not show differences after administration of goat’s milk. Serum calcium levels after administration of dairy goats in the treatment group increased significantly compared with the control group (9:47 ± 0:25 and 0:32 ± 9.87 mg / dl vs 9.74 ± 0:42 and 9:37 ± 0:38 mg / dl; p 0,05), uji homogenitas Levene (p>0,05), uji t (p0,05) tidak menunjukkan perbedaan setelah pemberian susu kambing. Kadar kalsium serum setelah pemberian susu kambing pada kelompok perlakuan meningkat signifikan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol (9.47±0.25 dan 9.87±0.32 mg/dl vs 9.74±0.42 dan 9.37±0.38 mg/dl; p<0,05). Hasil uji korelasi pearson (r) menunjukkan r=-0,45; p=0,05, artinya terdapat korelasi sedang yang tidak bermakna antara tekanan darah sistolik dengan kadar kalsium serum. Kesimpulan: Pemberian susu kambing dapat menurun tekanan darah sistolik dan merangsang sekresi kalsium namun penurunan tekanan darah sistolik tidak berhubungan dengan peningkatan kadar kalsium serum pada orang terlatih.