Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Études Andines (Aug 2021)

Redefinir la fiesta, recordar las violencias: acerca de las memorias de las haciendas y la Reforma agraria en un pueblo de los Andes del sur peruano

  • Mélanie Lercier Castelot

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 50
pp. 65 – 88


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This paper studies memories of haciendas during the fiestas of Puyca (La Unión, Arequipa), a southern Andean village, and how some fiestas were redefined after the Land Reform. Based on the ethnographic case of the San Santiago fiesta, this article shows how the fiesta is a preferential context where hacienda memories are enunciated. The analysis of the discursive register used during fiestas, on the one hand, and the festive practices and structural changes in religious cargos, on the other hand, reveal much about the negotiations and actual power relations in Puyca.
