Acta Medica Iranica (Jul 1972)
Hydatid Disease of the Kidney: Report of 12 Cases
The radiology diagnosis of primary hydatid disease of the kidney is possible when a renal mass is noted on the radiograph. part icula rly in the countries where this disease is prevalent. Cha racteristic radiological signs, hydatiduria, eosinophili and specific examination such as Casoni and Weinberg tests are a ll helpful to assist the diagnosis. Twelve cases of primary hydatid disease of the kidney have been seen in our 10 yea rs study. The diagno,sis in the majority of these cases was primarily radiological. In three cases hydatiduria was observed. In one case in which resection of the cyst and partial nephrectomy was done recurrence was observed after nine years. Etude radiologique de J2 cas de kyst hydatique primitive du rein, • La diagnostique radiologique de kyst hydatiquc primitive renale est possible. quand on peut noter une masse rena le en radiographic, particulie rement dans les contrces ou ceue maladie est preva lcnte. Les signes radiologiques cha ractcristiqucs, hyda tidurie, eosinophilie, et exarnen spccifiques, comme teste de Casoni , ct Weimberg assistent au diagnostique. Auteur a prcsentc 12 cas de kyst hydatique primitive renal, diagnostique radiologiquement pendan t ces dix derniers annees. Dans trois cas hydatidurie eta it observe et dans un cas, 9 ans apres la ncphrectomie partiellc et resection de kyst , on a rernarque la rechutte de la maladie.