Między Oryginałem a Przekładem (Nov 2014)

„Wartość dodana”: o tłumaczeniu polskich elementów kulturowych we francuskim przekładzie powieści Wszystkie języki świata Zbigniewa Mentzla

  • Magdalena Mitura

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 4(26)


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“Added Value”: About Translation of Polish Cultural References in the French Version of the Novel Wszystkie języki świata [All Languages of the World] by Zbigniew Mentzel The paper discusses broad elements of the procedure of amplification occurring during the translation of Polish cultural references into French. The analysis covered only those techniques which come as a consequence of the translation process itself, as they stem from different historical and social experiences of the reader of the original and reader of the translated text, and not from asymmetries of the two language systems. A review of translator’s decisions, including various kinds of explicitation and translator’s notes, also demonstrates that such explanations constitute an “added value”, for they prove to be a culture‑forming operation which is a prerequisite for understanding foreign reality by the target audience.
