Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan (Jun 2015)
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi secara komprehensif tentang implementasi pendekatan keterampilan proses (PKP) dalam pembelajaran biologi di SMAN Kota Semarang, dan mengungkap berbagai faktor pendukung dan penghambatnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan model evaluasi kesenjangan. Data dikumpulkan dengan pendekatan mixed-method, diawali dengan penggunaan metode kuantitatif dilanjutkan dengan metode kualitatif. Data kuantitatif tingkat penggunaan keterampilan proses oleh peserta didik dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner. Kuesioner dikembangkan dengan memodifikasi langkah Madaus et al., Claeys et al., dan Wheeler, melalui tahap review literatur, mengkonstruksi instrumen, menetapkan validitas isi dengan cara validasi pakar, dan uji coba lapangan. Data kualitatif tentang proses pembelajaran biologi dan data kualitatif lainnya, diperoleh melalui observasi, pembuatan catatan lapangan, kategorisasi catatan lapangan, dan wawancara mendalam. Seluruh data dianalisis dengan explanatory mixed-method analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas implementasi PKP dalam pembelajaran biologi di SMAN kota Semarang belum mencapai kategori baik. Faktor pendukung dan penghambat utamanya adalah tinggi dan rendahnya komitmen guru untuk mengimplementasikan PKP dalam pembelajaran biologi. Kata kunci: evaluasi implementasi kurikulum, pendekatan keterampilan proses, pembelajaran biologi, mixed-method ______________________________________________________________ AN EVALUATION OF THE PSA IMPLEMENTATION IN BIOLOGY TEACHING AT STATE HIGH SCHOOLS IN SEMARANG CITY USING THE MIXED-METHOD APPROACH Abstract This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the process skill approach (PSA) in the biology teaching at state high schools in Semarang City, and reveal the various supporting factors and the constraints. The study used a discrepancy evaluation model. The data were collected using a mixed-methods approach, initiated with the use of the quantitative method followed by the use the qualitative method. The quantitative data about the level of the process-skill use by the students were collected using questionnaire. The questionnaire was developed by referring to the steps of Madaus et al., Claeys et al., and Wheeler, through reviewing literature, constructing instruments, and determining the content validaty through expert validation, and conducting field trials. The qualitative data about the biology teaching process and the other qualitative data were collected through observation, the preparation of field notes and categorization of field notes, and in depth interview. The whole data were analyzed using the explanatory mixed-method analysis. The result shows that the quality of the implementation of the biology curriculum at state high schools in Semarang City is not in a good category yet. The main supporting factors and the constraints are the the teachers’ high and low commitment to implement the PSA in the biology teaching. Keywords: evaluation of curriculum implementation, process skill approach, biologi learning, mixed-method