Jurnal Keperawatan (Feb 2017)
Application of Kathrine Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory on Children Fulfillment of Oxygenation Need in Treatment Rooms
APLIKASI TEORI COMFORT KATHERINE KOLCABA PADA ANAK DALAM PEMENUHAN KEBUTUHAN OKSIGENASI DI RUANG PERAWATAN Application of Kathrine Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory on Children Fulfillment of Oxygenation Need in Treatment Rooms Roza Indra Yeni 1 1Akademi Keperawatan RS Jakarta Jalan Garnisun No 1 Jakarta Selatan 12930 1e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRAK Konsep utama teori comfort adalah melakukan penilaian terhadap struktur taksonomi antara tiga kenyamanan dikaitkan dengan empat pengalaman kenyamanan. Kebutuhan oksigen merupakan kebutuhan fisiologis bagi manusia. Pemenuhan kebutuhan oksigen merupakan fungsi sistem pernapasan dan sistem kardiovaskuler. Gangguan kedua sistem tersebut menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan pada anak karena kebutuhan oksigen terganggu. Perawat perlu membantu anak supaya kebutuhan oksigen terpenuhi agar anak dapat tumbuh dan berkembang dengan baik. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan prinsip comfort dari Kolcaba. Fokus bahasan adalah penggunaan teori comfort dalam memenuhi kebutuhan oksigenasi. Asuhan keperawatan dilakukan dengan proses keperawatan comfort. Terdapat lima kasus yang dibahas. Hasil akhir dari penerapan comfort mampu mengidentifikasi pengalaman kenyamanan anak dihubungkan dengan tipe kenyamanan. Kata kunci: Oksigenasi, teori Comfort Kolcaba ABSTRACT The main concept of comfort theory is assessing the taxonomic structure between three comfort that associated with four comfort experience. Oxygen requisite is a physiological necessity for humans. The fulfillment of oxygen is a function of the respiratory sand cardiovascular system. Disruption of both systems cause discomfort to the child because of the oxygen requisite is interrupted. Nurses need to help children to fulfill the oxygen requisite so the children can grow and develop properly. This is as the principles of comfort of Kolcaba. The focus of the discussion is the use of the comfort theory is to fulfill the oxygenation requisite. Nursing care is done with comfort nursing process. There are five cases discussed. The final result of the comfort application is able to identify children experience that associated with the type of comfort. Keywords: Oxygenation, Comfort Kolcaba, theory