Науковий Вісник Південноукраїнського Національного Педагогічного Університету імені К. Д. Ушинського (Aug 2020)
The structure of the future Music teachers’ methodological culture
Our country's aspirations for joining the European educational space, acquiring institutions of the national education system, including establishments of general education, competitiveness in the world educational services market actualize the need for its modernization and quality improvement. Modern state documents that provide the legal normative framework for national education are aimed at the above mentioned. The purpose of the article is to highlight and substantiate the structure of the methodological culture of the future teachers specialised in Musical Arts. The article describes the essence of the phenomenon "methodical culture of the future teachers of Musical Arts". The use of the systematic approach as a unity of ideas, baselines, starting points made it possible to consider the identified phenomenon as a system containing specific constituents which determine its peculiarities. These components are the structural components of the phenomenon under study. The analysis, generalization and interpretation of scientific sources and practices of professional training targeted to the future teachers of Musical Arts allowed us to identify and characterize the structural components of their methodological culture as a personal formation: epistemological (as a set of acquired knowledge necessary for the future teacher of Musical Arts; axiological (as a system of values and orientations of the future teacher of Music Arts which determines the cultural orientation of his / her musical and professional activities and personal attitude to the solving of methodical problems); praxeological (characterized by the presence of methodological-pedagogical and special skills, the totality of which ensures the cultural correspondence of the future professional and the quasi-professional activity of the future teacher of Musical Arts); personal (implies an emotionally positive attitude of the future Music teacher to the need to master and qualitatively carry out methodological and pedagogical activities on the basis of emotional flexibility, ability to evaluate and self-evaluate its progress as well as those methodical products, the use of which contributed to the achievement of the tasks.