MATEC Web of Conferences (Jan 2018)
A complex of factors of increasing the competitiveness of industrial park residents
In the paper, industrial parks are considered as the most dynamically developing, universal and effective format of the investment infrastructure organization. A whole range of advantages for enterprises resident in industrial parks when placing production in such investment sites actualizes the need to study industrial parks as an effective mechanism to increase the competitiveness of Russian industrial enterprises and to identify a set of factors that contribute to the growth of competitiveness of industries located within the boundaries of industrial parks. Based on the analysis of the aggregate of advantages of industrial park residents, the authors proposed a system of factors of increasing their competitiveness, which includes three aggregated blocks: "intra-park" factors, local factors and regional factors. A considerable influence of each block of factors on key performance indicators and the competitive position of the resident enterprises of industrial parks has been discovered. The basis for the development of a system of indices for the functioning of industrial parks has been created, which makes it possible to quantify the impact of factors proposed by the authors of the system.