Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran (Mar 2022)
Perawatan maloklusi skeletal kelas I bidental protrusion disertai periodontitis stage IV grade B<p></p>Treatment of class I skeletal malocclusion with bidental protrusion and stage IV grade B periodontitis<p>
ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Selama perawatan ortodonti gaya mekanis membuat struktur periodontal seperti tulang, ligamentum periodontal dan jaringan lunak bergerak bersama dengan gigi. Periodontitis akan membuat aktivitas resorpsi tulang lebih progresif dibandingkan aposisi tulang, dengan implikasi klinis berupa migrasi gigi patologis seperti proklinasi, diastema, rotasi, ekstrusi, serta pergeseran gigi. Manajemen kombinasi perawatan ortodonti dan periodonti yang tepat berkontribusi pada keberhasilan perawatan dalam meningkatkan estetika dan fungsional. Tujuan laporan kasus membahas perawatan maloklusi skeletal kelas I bidental protrusion disertai kelainan periodontal stage IV grade B menggunakan piranti ortodonti cekat sistem preadjusted MBT. Perawatan dilakukan multidisiplin Ortodonti-Periodonti. Laporan kasus: Pasien wanita 41 tahun datang ke Klinik Ortodonti RSGM FKG UI dengan keluhan gigi depan rahang atas dan bawah maju dan terdapat celah antar gigi. Terdapat kegoyangan derajat 2 pada gigi 11, overjet 3-7 mm, dan overbite 3,5 mm. Perawatan ortodonti dilakukan setelah perawatan periodontal bedah osseus selesai. Perawatan menggunakan breket preadjusted MBT slot 0,022, inisial wire kawat Copper NiTi, penjangkaran maksimum dengan melibatkan gigi molar 2. Simpulan: Perawatan ortodonti pada kasus dengan kelainan periodontal stage IV grade B dapat berhasil dengan baik dan tidak memperburuk keadaan jaringan periodontal dengan seleksi kasus dan pemberian gaya yang optimal. Manajemen kombinasi perawatan ortodonti dan periodonti yang tepat berkontribusi pada keberhasilan perawatan serta memperbaiki fungsional maupun estetika pasien. Kata kunci: maloklusi skeletal kelas I bidental protrusion; kelainan periodontal stage IV grade B ABSTRACT Introduction: During orthodontic treatment, mechanical forces move periodontal structures such as bone, periodontal ligament, and soft tissue. Periodontitis will make bone resorption activity more progressive than bone apposition, with clinical implications in pathological tooth migration such as proclination, diastema, rotation, extrusion, and tooth shift. Proper management of the combination of orthodontic and periodontic treatment contributes to the success of the treatment in improving aesthetics and functionality. This case report discusses the treatment of skeletal malocclusion class I bidental protrusion with stage IV grade B periodontal disease using fixed orthodontic appliances with a pre-adjusted MBT system. Treatment is multidisciplinary Orthodontic-Periodontic. Case report: A 41-year-old female patient came to the Orthodontic Clinic of RSGM FKG UI with a complaint that the upper and lower front teeth were advanced and there were gaps between the teeth. There is 2nd-degree wobble in 11th gear, 3-7mm overjet, and 3.5mm overbite. Orthodontic treatment was performed after osseous surgical periodontal treatment was completed. Treatment using pre-adjusted MBT slot 0.022 bracket, initial Copper NiTi wire, maximum anchorage involving two molars. Conclusions: Orthodontic treatment in cases with stage IV grade B periodontal disease can be successful and does not worsen the periodontal tissue condition by optimal case selection and administration. Appropriate management of the combination of orthodontic and periodontic treatment contributes to the success of the treatment and improves the patient's function and aesthetics. Keywords: class I skeletal malocclusion with bidental protrusion; stage IV grade B periodontitis