Mutiara Medika (Sep 2013)

Analisis Kandungan Vitamin E pada Buah Borassus flabellifer Linn. Menggunakan High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

  • Hari Widada

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 3
pp. 143 – 150


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Vitamin E hanya disintesis di dalam tanaman dan sumber terbanyak adalah tanaman yang menghasilkan minyak, termasuk buah siwalan (Borassus flabellifer Linn.). Siwalan merupakan salah satu tanaman jenis palma yang dapat tumbuh baik di ekosistem pantai dan telah diketahui mempunyai banyak manfaat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan kandungan vitamin E dalam buah siwalan. Ekstraksi vitamin E dalam buah siwalan dilakukan dengan ekstraksi kering dan ekstraksi basah untuk membandingkan perolehan kadar vitamin E-nya. Ekstrak dianalisis dengan sistem HPLC fase normal dengan sistem kolom: C18, fase gerak: etil asetat/ asam asetat/ heksana = 1/1/198, kecepatan alir 2 mL/ menit, detektor UV-Vis 295 nm dengan volume injeksi 20,25L. Validasi metode analisis untuk menentukan parameter uji kesesuaian sistem, linearitas, limit of quantification, akurasi, presisi dan recovery. Hasil ekstraksi buah siwalan diperoleh rendemen ekstrak basah sebesar 0.152% dan rendemen ekstrak kering sebesar 5.77%. Parameter validasi metode analisis berturut-turut meliputi uji kesesuaian sistem 1.34%, linearitas r2 0.995, limit of quantification 2.14 ng/ mL, akurasi % difference 6.33%, presisi intra-day 4.39%, inter-day 3.88% dan recovery 3.49%. Hasil proses validasi memenuhi kriteria menurut FDA (2001). Hasil analisis kandungan vitamin E diperoleh kadar rata-rata ekstrak kering sebesar 3.19% ± 0.12% dan ekstrak basah sebesar 4.76% ± 0.17%. Vitamin E is only synthesized in plants and is the largest source of oil-producing crops, including fruit palm (Borassus flabellifer Linn.). Siwalan is one type of palm plants that grow well in coastal ecosys­tems and have been known to have many benefits. This study aims to establish the amount of vitamin E in the palm fruit. The extraction of vitamin E in the palm fruit is done by extraction of dry and wet extrac­tion to compare the acquisition of vitamin E was. Extracts were analyzed by normal-phase HPLC system with a system of columns: C18, mobile phase: ethyl acetate / acetic acid / hexane = 1/1/198, flow rate of 2 mL / min, UV-Vis detector at 295 nm injection volume of 20 uL. Validation of analytical methods to determine the parameters of the system suitability test, linearity, limit of quantification, accuracy, preci­sion and recovery. Results obtained by extraction of palm fruit extract yield amounted to 0152% wet and dry extract yield of 5.77%. Parameter validation of analytical methods respectively include system suit­ability test 1:34%, 0995 r2 linearity, limit of quantification 2:14 ng / mL, 6:33 Difference%% accuracy, precision intra-day 4:39%, 3.88% inter-day and 3:49% recovery. Results of the validation process meets the criteria according to the FDA (2001). Results of the analysis of the content of vitamin E obtained an average level of dry extract of 3:19% ± a 0.12% and amounted to 4.76% wet extract ± 0:17%.
