Corela (Nov 2023)
Une structuration graduelle et bipolaire de la catégorie du nom propre
Because of the direct and conventional link between the signifier and the referent that characterises the proper name category, it is free from visible linguistic constraints that allow its delimitation. The heterogeneity resulting from this particularity increases when it is considered that the latter is not incompatible with the underlying semantic operativity of the signifier, as long as this operativity does not interfere with the designation of the referent and that the function of the denomination is to identify the latter within a class.In order to give coherence to the internal organisation of this category, we propose to apprehend the diversity of its members through a gradual and bipolar approach in which the proper name vs. common name opposition is central. This approach has been transposed to two of the characteristics that affect the typicality of proper names: the form and the underlying semantic-referential function of the signifier. The structuring of the occurrences in the transcription of the programme C dans l’Air by this means is an opportunity to present the particularities of this gradual and bipolar approach, as well as its pitfalls and advantages.