Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences ()
Pathological investigations on sheep pulmonary adenomatosis
The present study was undertaken to examine sheep pulmonary adenomatasis in Konya region. A total of 1083 lun gs taken from various breeds of sheep w ere macroscopically examined and in 86 cases(7. 94 %) pulmonary adenomatasis were detected. Grossly, affected lun gs were enlarged and infiltrated with grey-white are as of tumour which vary from discrete nodules, measuring 0.2-2 cm. to extensive tumours with a shiny, trans/ucent pleura. Microscopically, epithelial cell proliferation, often ina papillary pattern into alveoler spaces were seen. Profiteration of bronchiolar epithelium and intrabronchiolar tumour masses were also detected. In 14 cases abscesses and in 10 cases parasitic nodules were seen in the adenomatous tissue. In two sheep metastatic lesions were found in the mediastinallymph node.