Travmatologiâ i Ortopediâ Rossii (Sep 2016)
Brachimetatarsia is a malformation of one or more of the metatarsal bones, characterized by its shortening. Abnormal anatomy of the forefoot leads to the convergence of epiphyses of adjacent metatarsals, deformation of the forefeet, including the formation of hallux valgus, pain and cosmetic defects. The authors have conducted the surgical treatment (lengthening the shortened metatarsal bones) in 18 female patients (28 feet, 32 metatarsal bones) and determined the optimal method of surgical correction. Depending on the severity of metatarsal bone shortening 3 methods of surgical treatment were applied: in shortening of less than 1,2 cm -the slide osteotomy; in shortening up to 1.8 cm - a one-staged lengthening of metatarsal bone with autograft; more than 1.8 cm - the distraction osteosynthesis. Due to existing disorders it is advisable to perform restoration of the shortened toe length according to the type of the metatarsal parabola, inherent to the patient. The optimal method of surgical treatment is a one-staged lengthening of the shortened metatarsal bone with the use of autograft from the iliac wing borrowed by means of “window-form” method without damage to the integrity of the apophysis.