Kwartalnik Filmowy (Apr 2023)

Wiesław Myśliwski’s Ideal Cinema

  • Jeremi Szaniawski

Journal volume & issue
no. 121


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The author of this essay searches for traces confirming the influence of cinema on Wiesław Myśliwski’s life and works. Despite the fact that the writer acknowledged his love for cinema, this aspect is overlooked in discussions of his oeuvre. Myśliwski himself also does not devote much space to it in his recently published collection of texts and interviews W środku jesteśmy baśnią. Mowy i rozmowy [We are a Fairy Tales Within: Speeches and Conversations] (2022). In this article, the author devotes special attention to film motifs in the novel A Treatise on Shelling Beans (2013), the cinematic imagination that is revealed in this book, and the role of history in Myśliwski’s work.
