Signos (Jan 2017)
Impact of awareness on organizations
The aim of this article is to determine the economic, environmental and health and safety at work, caused by the lack of awareness in organizations impacts. This article is the beginning of a series of writings that deepen awareness about its impact on organizations, as assessed, preventive and corrective action should take the organization for continuous improvement, among others. The limitation in conducting this article, consisted of the scant literature on the proposed topic. The consequences of accidents affect not only the workers but their families, can also cause significant environmental damage and economic loss for the community, for this reason it is necessary to identify the factors that influence these arise are. Case studies and practical experience have shown that the frequency and severity of accidents depend on the dangers inherent in work and own physical, physiological and psychological factors worker, leading to the conclusion that largely injuries are caused by lack awareness of these workers (OIT, 2015). Due to the above scenario the importance of awareness for economic and social development of the country is evident; from the environmental point of view, quality and safety and health at work actions organizations can pose risks to the worker, his family, society and the environment; increasing susceptibility to the occurrence of natural hazards, economic loss or risk situations that subsequently materialize disaster. Given the importance of awareness the NTC-ISO 9001:2008 management systems quality, NTC-ISO 14001:2004 environmental management systems and NTC-OHSAS 18001:2007 included in sections 6.2.2, 4.4.2, 4.4.2 competence, training and awareness, respectively.