Cahiers Agricultures (Jan 2019)
Identity, feeling of belonging and collective action in localized agrifood systems. Example of the Serrano cheese in the Campos de Cima da Serra, Brazil
The study is aimed at linking social representations of identity and feeling of belonging to territory of farmers, to their degree of involvement in collective action within localized agrifood systems (LAS). The study was conducted with producers’ families producing Serrano cheese, in the mountains of the Campos de Cima da Serra, in southern Brazil. Collective action for the valorization of the Serrano cheese relied on the producers’ associations, which are the only form of collective organization. Fifty-four families were selected according to their level of involvement in collective action. First, we used a quantitative approach called the free word association, analyzed by Factorial Correspondence Analysis. Second, we asked closed questions to the producers to assess their feeling of belonging. We showed that the content of the social representation reflected the participation of producers in collective action. Producers who put forward the typicality of the cheese, the territory and their identity, were the most engaged in the associations. On the other hand, producers not involved in associations put forward the difficulties of their activity. In this sense, it appears valuable to encourage discussion between the different producers according to their level of involvement to build common representations that favor collective action for the defense and valorization of the Serrano cheese. Nonetheless, most producers tended to show a high feeling of belonging which could form the basis for discussion. However, collective action in the LAS follows a top-down model led by extension services, in which the producers need to be integrated in a more participatory governance to lead more efficient projects.