Window of Health (Oct 2018)

Self Efficacy Correlations to Use Contraceptive Equipment on Couples of Childbearing Age, Kelurahan Tallo, City of Makassar

  • Wardiah Hamzah,
  • Ulfa Sulaiman,
  • Andi Surahman Batara,
  • Nasruddin Syam



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BKKBN Provinces of South Sulawesi suggested that users of Keluarga Berencana (KB) reached 69.31% in 2015 or by 121,892 couples. The percentage of contraceptive usage of 66.7% is still low compared to the target of Makassar City Health Office of 100% in 2015 (Dinkes, 2017) .The use of contraceptives is still low caused by several things, one of them factors from within the couple's age fertile. The desire to be a family planning acceptor is driven by self-efficacy of self-ability to drive motivation. This study aims to analyze the correlation of Self Eficacy against the use of contraception in couples of childbearing age. The research design used was analytic design using Cross Sectional approach done in RW IV, Tallo Village, Makassar City. The population is a Couples Of Childbearing Age as many as 190 people. Data taken by way of interview To answer the purpose of research and hypothesis, data analysis is done by using correlation test. The result of the research found that there is influence of Mastery Experience (pvalue = 0,000), Vicarious Experience (pvalue = 0,004), Verbal Persuasion (pvalue = 0,006), Physiological and Emotional State (pvalue = 0,000) and Self Eficacy (pvalue = 0,000). health in providing counseling following a successful sample of people, and trying to gain the full confidence of the community.
