Giornale di Clinica Nefrologia e Dialisi (Feb 2020)
Clima ambientale e clima emotivo: due pilastri evolutivi poco tangibili ma tremendamente importanti per la nostra vita
Our evolutionary history is based on four fundamental pillars: physical activity, nutrition, inner mood and external environment. We live at the rhythm of an inner clock that leads everything we do, the so called circadian rhythm. The circadian system, that is ubiquitous across species, generates ~24 h rhythms in virtually all biological processes, and allows them to anticipate and adapt to the 24 h day/night cycle, thus ensuring optimal physiological function. During the day our organism spends its energy in order to complete catabolic pathways which help us in our relationship with the external environment, while at night anabolic pathways, repairing, strengthening and growth-orientated, prevails. External environment can influence both our circadian rhythm and our body chemistry. Within the last 100 years, environmental conditions are extremely changed: the artificial light (also by televisions screens, smartphones and computers) is lighting up our world 24 hours a day, the background noise is a constant in our everyday life and the air pollution represent risk factors for our health and well-being by causing or facilitating diseases. Also our inner mood, emotions and environment are crucial for human beings’ and planet’s health and for the future of mankind. (healthy_habits)