Politeja (Nov 2023)

Od Havla do Pavla: ciągłość i zmiana w relacjach czesko‑tajwańskich w kontekście bezpieczeństwa ontologicznego

  • Bartosz Kowalski

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 4(85)


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FROM HAVEL TO PAVEL: CONTINUITY AND CHANGE IN CZECH-TAIWANESE RELATIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF ONTOLOGICAL SECURITY For two decades after the fall of Communism, the Czech Republic’s values-based policy toward Taiwan was decisively shaped by President Václav Havel’s political philosophy. In contrast, after 2012, Taiwan began to be gradually marginalised in Czech foreign policy as proponents of closer cooperation with China came to power. However, the end of the next decade brought another turn in CzechTaiwan relations. This article analyses continuity and change in Czech foreign policy through the lens of ontological security theory, pointing out that Taiwan (as well as China) has become an important element of Czech (inter)national identity after 1989.
