Анналы клинической и экспериментальной неврологии (Feb 2017)
About astroglia in the brain and pathology
More than 140 years astrocytes were described as passive cellularelements of the brain, and their function was limited participationin providing trophic potential of neurons. It was describedas doctrine of neuronism which supported such famous scientistsas H.W. von Waldeyer and S. Ramun y Cajal, who is theauthor of phrases each nerve cell a fully autonomous physiologicalcanton. During last time we can see a revision ofviews on the role of astrocytes in the brain. Astrocyte is equalpartner of the neuron in such fundamental functions of thebrain, as modulation of synaptic transmission, gliotransmissionand regulation of microcirculation. Discovery of a new elementof glia NG2 cells, identification of the relationship betweenneuronal networks and astrocyte syncytium have changed thedoctrine of neuronism. New paradigm revises the role ofastroglia in the brain in health and disease.