International Journal of Medicine and Health Development (Jan 1997)
Orbito-ocular tumours in Nigeria adults: A review of 94 patients over a period of 11 years
We present a review of histologically confirmed tumours of the eye and adnexa in 94 Nigerian adults at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu, from 1980 to 1990. The neoplasms in 50% of the patients (26 male. 21 female) were malignant with mean age of 51 at presentation. The remaining 50% had benign neoplasms. The commonest occurring neoplasm was invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the conjunctiva (11.7%), while squamous papilloma of the lid and conjunctiva (7.5%) manifested most frequently among the benign tumours. The findings were generally similar to other studies in negroes. On the other hand, basal cell carcinoma of the lid occurred in 3 of our patients (3.2%) remarkably.