Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi. Ştiinţe Juridice (Nov 2022)

Expertiza criminalistică – element cheie în descoperirea şi sancţionarea infracţiunilor. Particularităţi//Forensic expertise a key element in discovering and sanctioning crimes. Particularities

  • Marius Cosmin Macovei,
  • Rareş Vasile Voroneanu Popa,
  • David Alexandru Pădurariu,
  • Diana Zămosteanu

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 68
pp. 115 – 124


Read online

The criminal investigation regarding the commission of certain deeds provided by the criminal law presupposes the administration, depending on the category and complexity of the facts, of some types of means of proof through which to find out the truth. In this respect, forensic expertise may in some cases be the key element in the research activity, respectively it may be the means of evidence from which conclusive, relevant and useful evidence can be obtained to establish the crime committed and the person who committed it., and subsequently to be held accountable.
