Revue Roumaine d'Histoire de l'Art : Série Beaux-Arts (Dec 2016)

Between the Visible and the Invisible: Art Collecting in the Interwar City of Timişoara, Romania

  • Marius Cornea

Journal volume & issue
pp. 111 – 127


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The current study deals with art collectors in Timişoara during the interwar period, documenting the Museum of Banat’s acquisitions policy between the 1950s and the 1960s, during the period of dissolution of the collections assembled between the two World Wars and the dispersal of cultural goods of artistic value created by artists within the Moritz and Bianka Schönberger’s family circle: painters Oskar Szuhanek, Albert Varga, Albert Krausz, sculptors Géza Rubletzky, Ferdinand Gallas and graphic artists Julius Podlipny, Nándor Kóra Korber.
