مجلة كلية العلوم الأسلامية (Sep 2024)
الاستدلال بالتّعليل عند البلاغيين العراقيين حتّى القرن العاشر الهجري
This paper is part of PhD dissertation, "Rhetorical Reasoning According to Iraqi Rhetoricians from the First to the Tenth Century," explores reasoning through causation, highlighting how this method was employed in classical Arabic rhetorical studies. It also aims to clarify the manifestations of the reasoning process in this context. Sounds like a fascinating and significant contribution to the field of Arabic rhetoric! If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out. The study initially addresses the concept of reasoning through causation, then examines the use of this mechanism in classical Arabic rhetorical and critical works. This research investigates reasoning through causation as one of the key pillars upon which rhetorical reasoning methods in Arabic thought were built. Therefore, it seeks to deduce rhetorical causes with the aim of understanding the foundations of rhetorical judgments and weighing different meanings. This is achieved through dissecting and analyzing texts, as well as comparing them, with a focus on understanding this system as a procedural tool for uncovering the epistemological foundations of Arabic rhetoric