Управленческое консультирование (Aug 2022)
How Can Domestic Athletics Overcome a Protracted Crisis?
The article is devoted to assessing the prospects for the life of the main sport — athletics, which in itself is extremely important, which had a good reputation in the past, many Olympic champions, world records, outstanding coaches, advanced methods and practices for training athletes of the highest sportsmanship category. In recent years, a number of serious violations and doping scandals have led to the fact that Russian athletics has found itself on the sidelines of world sports and has lost the opportunity for full development in connection with the announced sanctions. The purpose of the material is the authors’ attempts to study the recent past of the development of Russian athletics look into the near future and assess the real prospects for overcoming the deepest systemic crisis. The goal determined the tasks, object and subject of applied research within the framework of this article. The presence of a satisfactory information base, literature support on the topic, detailed reviews from the media made it possible to properly organize the study of phenomena and events, to involve statistical methods of analysis and the theory of structural shift. And also draw the necessary conclusions, give the author’s recommendations regarding the way out of the current impasse, which has humiliated the dignity of both Russian sports and the Russian state. In particular, we are talking about strict compliance with the requirements of the so-called road map, developed jointly with the Russian side by international organizations IOC, World Athletics, WADA and CAS.