JANZSSA (Nov 2020)

Table of Contents Volume 28, Issue 2 October 2020

  • Annette Andrews

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Vol. 28, no. 2


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**Peer Reviewed Conference Paper** McCall and colleagues from the University of Newcastle provide detail of their peer reviewed conference paper presented at the ANZSSA conference in 2019. They share with us the results of their workshops relating to sexual assault and harassment on campus. They articulate the process for development, implementation and initial feedback of the program. They also present the challenges and successes they encountered during this process. **Peer Reviewed Professional Paper** McCall and Relf from the University of Newcastle write about supporting mature aged students enrolled in a tertiary preparation program enabling access to higher education. They share the findings of a 2-year study of tertiary preparation students undertaking group work within their pre-nursing program. The aim was to examine how group work can help support mature aged students in their transition to a student identity. Using an online assessment tool called SPARK, students were each asked to self-reflect upon their individual role and their role within the group according to specific criteria that promoted positive group work behaviours and fostered social connection. Students were provided with resources and evaluation tools to develop group work and self-reflection skills to succeed in their studies and future profession. **Professional Paper** Power and Hanna from LaTrobe University offer a report detailing how their office adapted to the online nature of student support. They outline a service that was created to support students during the COVID-19 pandemic and the changes necessary compared to the previous in-person services. They share their development process and preliminary usage rates. **Best Practice Showcase** Papworth from the University of Melbourne discusses support coordination for students with complex needs. The process followed by the Student Equity and Disability Services team to create a 2019 pilot program that engaged and improved student outcomes through wraparound student support is detailed. Angus from LaTrobe Student Union, shares resources and financial counsellor strategies adapted from positive psychology approaches and used to empower students as they navigate financial insecurity. The strategies and resources are focused on enhancing student financial wellbeing both during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. **Information About JANZSSA** https://janzssa.scholasticahq.com/editorial-board **For JANZSSA Authors (submission guidelines)** https://janzssa.scholasticahq.com/for-authors **About ANZSSA** https://www.anzssa.com