Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics (Jul 2024)
Multiple Brain Abscesses due to Salmonella Serogroup C1 in a Six-month-old Infant
Brain abscess is an unusual manifestation of salmonella infection. Salmonella typlumunum (serogroup B), Salmonella enteritides (serogroup D) and Salmonella typha (serogroup D) are the most frequently reported serotypes associated with brain abscesses. Conversely, reports of brain abscess caused by Salmonella serogroup C1 are rare. In this communication, we present a case of multiple brain abscesses due to Salmonella serogroup C1 in a six-month-old female infant. The abscesss probably resulted from haematogenous spread of the infection from an apparently asymptomatic intestinal focus, as the patient had no history suggestive of salmonellosis. The child responded well initially to a combination of surgical drainage and antibiotic therapy; but died from the long term complications of hydrocephalus at the age of 21 months.