Journal of Research in Education Sciences (Sep 2019)

QR 圖碼應用於汽車修護課程翻轉學習模式差異之研究 Comparing the Learning Progress of Creating and Using QR Codes in a Vehicle Maintenance Course

  • 張俊興 Chun-Hsin Chang,
  • 蔡其瑞 Chi-Ruei Tsai

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 64, no. 3
pp. 119 – 141


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本研究之研究目的為於汽車修護技能課程中融入 QR 圖碼進行翻轉學習,並探討製作翻轉課程學習內容的學習者及使用翻轉課程的學習者,兩組學習者學習成效的差異。在學習前後,將利用前、後測瞭解兩組學習者學習狀況的差異,並就前測成績將學習者分為高、低分組。 而在實驗過程中,學習者自行應用智慧型裝置讀取 QR 圖碼,以獲得相關資訊自主學習,因此本研究將量測學習者的探究型及興趣型求知性好奇心。研究結果顯示,製作學習內容組的學習表現較使用學習內容組的學習表現來得好,且製作學習內容組的探究型求知性好奇心亦較高,但兩組在興趣型求知性好奇心並沒有顯著差異。研究結果支持教師應用 QR 圖碼於汽車修護翻轉學習課程中,能有助於學習者在汽車修護專業之學習。 To understand how QR code technology can be integrated into an engineering course and affects learning outcomes in a vehicle maintenance course, this study divided students into two groups: one that created QR-code content (hereafter “creating-QR code”) and another that used QR-code content (hereafter “using-QR code”). This study then examined which approach was more beneficial for learning outcomes. The students were required to either search for or scan information and would thus exhibit two types of epistemic curiosity (EC), namely “deprivation-type EC” and “interest-type EC,” in relation to information seeking. Teachers administered pretests to identify participants’ abilities, and students were segmented into either a high- or low-level ability group. Results revealed that with respect to learning progress, the creating-QR code group outperformed the using-QR code group in learning about vehicle maintenance. In addition, comparison of the results of the two types of EC indicated that students in the creating-QR code group employed a higher degree of “deprivation-type EC” than those in the using-QR code group. However, there were no differences between the two groups with regard to “interest-type EC.” These results suggest that as one form of flipped learning, teachers can assign students the task of creating QR codes. This can enable knowledge consolidation and improve student learning outcomes in a vehicle maintenance course.
