Cahiers des Amériques Latines (Jan 2004)
Des territoires multiculturels ?
It exists within the national spaces, the groups, the communities which consider that the territory in which they live and separates them is the others an essential element of their collective identity. It is true quite particularly native communities which, seem to be able to exist culturally only by falling on one sat territorial which would belong to them. This established fact is very often the result of an former history, but it is strangely strengthened by the effect of public policies which dashed into a recognition of territories for their black or native populations. Within these «ethnic» territories, the tendency is to see also the public authority recognizing rights specific, associated to particular forms of government. This article is interested in the new internal borders resulting from the application of the pluriculturel model, on examples drawn in Brazil, in Colombia and in Ecuador, staging black and native populations recently territorialized.