European Psychiatry (Jun 2022)
Trainees between theoreticalknowledge and the initiative takingat the hospital
Introduction The internshipis a period in which the studentimplements what they have learned from their training to obtain or certification and to promote their professionalintegration, the difficulty of taking initiative and the lack of self-esteemrepresenting an obstacle to their training Objectives This is a quantitative descriptive study conducted at the different placement departments among all 2nd-year students in all sections. Our data collection was done using two questionnaires administered, one for the supervisors and the other for the students. Methods Theoretical Framework: Theorist Patricia Benner Results According to the results found, in oursample, thereis a predominance of females 89.17%, with a sex ratio of 0.121. 88.34% are aged between 20 - 21 years and an averageage of 22.4 years. According to the interpretation of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale scores, 17.5% of the trainees have a “Very Low Self-Esteem”, 47.5% have a “Low Self-Esteem”, 25.83% have an “Average Self-Esteem”, and only 9.17% have a “High Self-Esteem”. In addition, more than half of the respondents, 53.33%, state thatthey “often” have difficultytaking the initiative in the traineeshipenvironment, while 30.83% do not have such difficulty but “rarely”. Indeed, 53.33% of confirmedsupervisorssaythatthey “often” have difficultytaking the initiative in the placement environment Conclusions It isnecessary to take into account these obstacles to the trainee’s training through better psychological supervision, which could be the first steptowardssolving the problem Disclosure No significant relationships.