Geo&Bio (Dec 2020)
Theoretical and material species and the concept of speciesness (about the reality of species, types of species and their diversity)
A consistent system of transitions between the concepts of species as ideas and species as forms of differentiation of living things is considered, in the form of subsequent steps from the primary nominalistic to the modern understanding of species as a level of separateness and differentiation of living things. The scheme includes 24 gradual steps in the development of knowledge, divided into several blocks. The first of them is the section "21 steps to understanding the species — from the species-idea to the species-individual", which includes three groups of 7 positions: the first seven positions analyse the species as an idea and as a phenomenon, the next seven — situations of the cycle “species–semi-species–non-species", and the next seven present ways to restructure knowledge (3) and the content of a new synthesis (4). The second part includes three final sections important for the new synthesis: "Keys to understanding: types of species?", "Keys to understanding: autonomous reproductive systems", and "Towards a new paradigm". To explain the system of transitions between the species as a name and morphological species, the concept of eidological hexagon is proposed, which reflects the links between all components of the nominalistic and typological concepts of the species. It is shown that species as concepts and as units of description of biotic diversity should be recognised as two different modi of evolutionary development of populations — in relation to phylogenetics as a level of evolutionary separateness, and in relation to biotic communities as a level of ecological separateness. At the heart of the new idea, it is proposed to consider the evolution of phyla in the composition of communities as another plane relative to the phylogenetic (and morphogenetic) component of the evolutionary process, as the evolution of states of speciesness. "Types of species" are recognised as a normal state of diversity of living things, and in the process of development of taxa and communities (eventually, phyla and ecosystems), the living matter at different phases and in different conditions of its existence can pass through different states of speciesness. The latter allows us to talk about the evolution of species as states of differentiation of living things, along with the "normal" phyletic evolution, which is manifested in changes in morphology, genetics, and biogeography of populations. The idea of polyspecies can be seen as a new step in the development of the idea of pluralism of species concepts, the essence of which is to recognise the diversity of species in different groups, different contexts, and different situations. However, the idea of "types of species" is related not so much to concepts as to the real diversity of speciesness.