InterAlia (Sep 2013)
Nienormatywność epizodyczna i normatywność tradycyjna w relacjach rodzinnych Ba’Aka w obliczu przemian
The following text is based on field research in Central African Republic and an analysis of textual sources. It concerns family relations – altered within the last two decades by processes of civilisational change – in the environment of settlements and villages, where members of traditional Ba’Aka, Bantu (Mbimou, Gbaya) and Mbororo communities live as neighbours in the Sangha Mbaéré region of the Central African Republic (CAR). Examples of family practices as well as the construction of families and family ties show the creation of new spaces for relationships, which were heretofore absent from the hermetic structures of individual communities in the region. Relationships and practices previously unacceptable and sporadically-appearing emerge too (e.g. single motherhood.)