Red U (May 2014)
Corporate Reputation: A new perspective of the transversal competences in the EHEA.
The changes of this new century are forcing the different social agents to develop a new direction model and directors in Europe which contribute to recover the lost trust relationships with the stakeholders. Companies incorporate the corporate reputation (CR) and its dimensions in the corporate behavior as a model which contribute to the sustainability of the companies. The basis to build this model must have their foundations in the new EHEA. The academic institutions, committed with the social agents, may work towards initiatives which contribute to the innovation and the global economic and social sustainability. This is why the assimilation of this corporate behavior by the school´s students as future professionals is very important. In this work the following questions are treated: (1) Corporate reputation with the dimensions are defined; (2) Different transversal competences are explained and a comparative analysis of both is realized; (3) The diversity of these competences in their organization and in the different disciplines is detected; (4) It is provided a new vision in the High Education that integrate the dimensions of the CR as a reorganization model of these competences from the common correlations and characteristics between them. As a conclusion, it is proposed to apply the CR into these professional competences to: Generate new educational perspective directed to the acquisitions of innovative professional competences; and develop new researches in the High Education.