Drepturile Omului (Dec 2023)
Reflecții asupra Convenției de la Viena din 1963 cu privire la relațiile consulare la a 60-a sa aniversare
The Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, adopted in 1963, is one of the most important multilateral treaties that were negotiated and adopted by the United Nations, in the early years of its existence, and its action for the progressive development and codification of international law having codified hundreds of years of experience and practice of states in the consular field. From this perspective, we aimed to analyse issues related to the process of the setting up the consular institution until the adoption of this Convention, the importance of the provisions of the Conventions and its role in the field of current consular relations, as well as the extent to which the right to consular protection and assistance can be considered a fundamental right. For the drafting of the paper, we used as research methods the analysis of the problems generated by the mentioned subject, with reference to the doctrinal points of view expressed in treatises and specialised literature, documentary research, interpretation of legal norms on the subject.