Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer (Jul 2023)

Implementasi Internet Of Things Pada Sistem Ketersediaan Ruang Parkir Gedung Bertingkat Menggunakan NRF24L01 dan HC-SR04

  • Angga Sukma Bahari,
  • Rakhmadhany Primananda,
  • Mochammad Hannats Hanafi Ichsan,
  • Mahardeka Tri Ananta

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 3


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Permasalahan pada sistem di gedung parkir bertingkat salah satunya sulit menemukan ruang parkir yang kosong. Adanya dinding beton tebal dan struktur bangunan dengan beberapa lantai mengakibatkan jarak pandang pencarian ruang parkir berkurang.Berdasarkan hal ini, dibutuhkan sistemuntuk memberi informasi ketersediaan ruang parkir pada tiap lantai gedung parkir bertingkat agar pencarian ruang parkir dapat lebih efektif dan efisien. Sistem ini menggunakan sensor ultrasonik HC-SR04 danmodul transceiver nRF24L01 disertai teknologi Internet of Things agar informasi dapat diakses melalui Thingspeak dan LCD 20x4. Pada implementasinya terdapat 2 client node pada tiap lantai dan 1 sink node pada lantai dasar. Pengiriman informasi dilakukan secara multihop untuk antar lantai (gateway node) dan directly connection antara sub-node dengan gateway node. Hasil pengujian menghasilkan 100% keberhasilan pendeteksian sekaligus verifikasipada tiap ruang parkir. Kinerja nRF24L01 pada komunikasi data internal menghasilkan success delivery ratio 100% dengan rata-rata delay pengiriman kurang dari 6 detik. Tetapi pada pengujian dengan skenario jarak 5m, 10m, 20m, dan 40m secara berturut-turut menghasilkan nilai terendah success delivery ratio sebesar 100%, 96,67%, 76,67% dan 90% dan delay pengiriman keseluruhan kurang dari 8 detik pada jarak 40m. Perutean melalui pengalamatan RF24Network dengan mekanisme multihop berhasil dilakukan. Informasi yang ditampilkan pada LCD 20x4 dan Thingspeak berhasil dilakukan secara keseluruhan, namun pada dua kali pengujian kinerja pengiriman dari sink node menuju Thingspeak hanya menghasilkan success delivery ratio sebesar 64,47% dan 65,65%. Abstract One of the problems with the system in multi-storey parking buildings is that it is difficult to find an empty parking space. The presence of thick concrete walls and a building structure with several floors resulted in reduced visibility of the search for parking spaces. Based on this, a system is needed to provide information on the availability of parking spaces on each floor of the multi-storey parking building so that the search for parking spaces can be more effective and efficient. This system uses the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and the nRF24L01 transceiver module along with Internet of Things technology so that information can be accessed via Thingspeak and aLCD 20x4. In the implementation there are 2 client nodes on each floor and 1 sink node on the ground floor. Information transmission is carried out in multihop for inter-floor (gateway nodes) and directly connection between sub-nodes and gateway nodes. The test results resulted in 100% successful detection as well as verification in each parking space. The performance of nRF24L01 on internal data communication results in a 100% success delivery ratio with an average delivery delay of less than 6 seconds. However, in testing with scenarios of 5m, 10m, 20m, and 40m distances, respectively, the lowest success delivery ratio values are 100%, 96.67%, 76.67% and 90% and the overall delivery delay is less than 8 seconds at distance 40m. Routing via RF24Network addressing with multihop mechanism was successful. The information displayed on the LCD 20x4 and Thingspeak was successfully carried out as a whole, but in two tests of delivery performance from the sink node to Thingspeak, it only resulted in a success delivery ratio of 64.47% and 65.65%, respectively.