Advances in Radio Science (Jul 2011)
An uncooled VGA-IRFPA with novel readout architecture
An uncooled VGA Infrared Focal Plane Array (IRFPA) based on microbolometers with a pixel pitch of 25 μm for thermal imaging applications is presented. The IRFPA has a 16-bit digital video data output at a frame rate of 30 Hz. Thousands of Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs) are located under the microbolometer array. One ADC consists of a Sigma-Delta-Modulator (SDM) of 2nd order and a decimation filter. It is multiplexed for a certain amount of microbolometers arranged in a so called "cluster". In the 1st stage of the SDM the microbolometer current is integrated time-continuously. The feedback is applied using a switchable current source. First measurements of Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference (NETD) as a key parameter for IRFPAs will be presented.